A Tulipános Ház egy olyan múzeum, amely tanít, leköt és elvarázsol.
Peisonia Visitor Center
In the Footsteps of the Wonders of the FertÅ‘-Hanság Landscape

The castle's golden age is tied to the Széchényi family: Széplak and the castle served as the family’s residence for one and a half centuries, starting from the late 1600s. The exhibition space of the FertÅ‘-Hanság World Heritage Hungarian Council Association is housed in the historic Széchenyi Palace in FertÅ‘széplak, the birthplace of Széchenyi Ferenc, and is now home to the Peisonia Visitor Center.

The exhibition, located in the newly renovated visitor center on the upper floor of the Széchényi Palace, showcases the unique values of the region, including its unparalleled flora and fauna, history, wine culture, national cultures, aristocratic and peasant architecture, and archaeological excavations.
The exhibition is enriched by Fantastigo's innovative technological solutions, which open up new dimensions for visitors.

Our company renovated and upgraded the existing exhibition space, enriching the visitor experience with interactive content. We were responsible for designing and producing the interactive elements, ensuring that visitors have a truly unique, technology-driven experience.
The visitors can participate in a virtual reality experience, where they can teleport to various locations using VR, exploring the enchanting landscapes of the Fertő cultural landscape. With the VR headset, visitors can interactively click on the Fertő landscape map and embark on an exciting discovery journey.
Additionally, an interactive augmented reality quiz awaits visitors, testing their knowledge about the values of the Fertő landscape in a fun way.
In the 360-degree immersive projection room, visitors can experience videos showcasing the region's landmarks, immersing themselves in the unparalleled beauty of the area.
The Fantastigo is proud to have contributed to the revival of this place.

Cégünk felújította és okosította fel a meglévÅ‘ kiállítóteret, interaktív tartalmakkal gazdagítva a látogatói élményt. Az interaktív elemek tervezését és gyártását is cégünk végezte, így a látogatók valóban egyedülálló, technológiai alapú élményben részesülhetnek.​Büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy hozzájárulhatott a hely újjászületéséhez.